Saturday 5 March 2016

Traditional foods in Java Indonesia

Traditional food in Java Indonesia
very much traditional foods in Java
there are some traditional food that I will discuss

1. Sate
This food made of meat. this food so popular in Indonesia. small pieces of meat that have a handle. this handle made of a bamboo,small pieces bamboo and then baked.
there are some types for this food, sate made of a beef, lamb, chicken meat , and rabbit meat.
this food have a sauce, this sauce made of a ketchup mixed with peanuts, mashed peanuts, chillies and onions . this sauce have name. in Indonesia this sauce name is a "sambal kacang"
there are some types sauce for this food, but different in each region.
in my region using this sauce "sambal kacang". And for sate made of lamb, sauce using a ketchup mixed with chillies and onions.

2. Sego Jagung
This food only in villages. this food made of corns and usually this food there is in traditional market, for additional this food is a vegetables, in my region vegetables using a cabbage stew and other vegetables stew, this food also have additional a anchovies. Usually this food using a plate from a leaves. this leaves used a banana leaves, but this plate different too in other region.
This food have a sauce too. but this sauce using a grater coconut mixed with mashed chilies.

3. Gethuk
This food have name "gethuk" in my country. this food made of a grater yam.
and then this food mixed with sugar, so this food have sugary taste. as ingredient additional this food eaten with grater coconut for different taste.

4. Pecel
This food made of a vegetables stew. usually vegetables using a cabbage, cucumber and many more vegetables. for additional this food mixed with noodle, rice , tofu and sauce. sauce "sambal kacang" like a sauce "sate".

thank you, if you visit indonesia don't forget to culinary.

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